A Response to “The Self Defeating Argument of Zionists”

Views: 20 The Longest Prejudice By Emeka Paul The article was titled, “The Self Defeating Argument of Zionists” It was published on the blog page of Times of Israel on 11/08/2017 and written by Fred Maroun. It was supposedly, a … Continue reading

Israel neither Uses nor Impedes Palestinian Water

Views: 22By Naveed Anjum Myths about Thirsty Palestinians[1] Irresponsible, uninformed masses of the world appear lazy when they accept false reports. These masses accept accusations against good people without questioning the claims or the motives of the accusers, and they … Continue reading

Judea for Jews, Arabia for Arabs, Part 9 (Final)

Views: 5By Naveed Anjum Israel — A Jewish Heritage, cont’dThe Qur’an also describes the settlement of Ishmael outside of Canaan near Kaaba. In Chapter 14, verse 37, the Qur’an mentions Abraham praying to God as follows: … Continue reading

Judea for Jews, Arabia for Arabs, Part 8

Views: 2By Naveed Anjum Israel — A Jewish Heritage, cont’dIn Part 7, we learned two significant facts: Abraham did not expel Hagar and Ishmael, because God had ordered him to resettle them outside of Canaan. Why? … Continue reading

Judea for Jews, Arabia for Arabs, Part 7

Views: 9By Naveed Anjum Israel — A Jewish Heritage, cont’dIn Sahih Bukhari, Book 55, Hadith 583, Ibn Abbas (the cousin of Prophet Mohamed) states: Ishmael’s birth to Hagar caused strife between her and Sarah, who was still barren. Abraham brought … Continue reading

Judea for Jews, Arabia for Arabs, Part 6

Views: 8By Naveed Anjum Israel — A Jewish Heritage, cont’dIt was in Canaan that Abraham fathered his two sons, Ishmael with Hagar and Isaac with Sarah. Islamic traditions confirm that Abraham left Isaac and Sarah in Canaan, but he left … Continue reading

Judea for Jews, Arabia for Arabs, Part 5

Views: 5By Naveed Anjum Israel — A Jewish Heritage, cont’dNow, in the Quran, the life of The Israelites began upon the arrival of Abraham in the Holy Land. This was when it was still known as The Land of Canaan. … Continue reading

Judea for Jews, Arabia for Arabs, Part 4

Views: 3By Naveed Anjum Israel — A Jewish Heritage, cont’dAs much as possible, I will endeavor to use Islamic resources to acknowledge the legitimacy of the Zionist State. I will provide the number for Quranic verses and Islamic traditions that … Continue reading

Judea for Jews, Arabia for Arabs, Part 3

Views: 3By Naveed Anjum Israel — A Jewish Heritage, cont’dUnderstand that for almost every story or part of a story that relates to Prophets of Israel in the Quran, you need to study the same events in the Judeo-Christian scriptures. … Continue reading

Judea for Jews, Arabia for Arabs, Part 2

Views: 3By Naveed Anjum Israel — A Jewish Heritage, cont’dThere is a serious lack of knowledge prevalent in Islamic countries, because the Media does not correctly inform people with truth and facts, and our Islamic priests and scholars fail to … Continue reading