Land of Israel and Jewish heritage – 41

Views: 14Land of Israel and Jewish heritage A series from the book written by Naveed Anjum Jewish Life in the Land of Canaan, cont’d The Promised Land, cont’d Byzantine period During the Byzantine period, Jews in the province of Palestine … Continue reading

Land of Israel and Jewish heritage – 40

Views: 11Land of Israel and Jewish heritage A series from the book written by Naveed Anjum Jewish Life in the Land of Canaan, cont’d The Promised Land, cont’d Late Roman period, Conclusion As you recall, during the 132–135 CE Bar … Continue reading

Land of Israel and Jewish heritage – 39

Views: 12Land of Israel and Jewish heritage A series from the book written by Naveed Anjum Jewish Life in the Land of Canaan, cont’d The Promised Land, cont’d Late Roman period, cont’d Later Jewish scholars, the Amoraim, succeeded the Tannaim. … Continue reading

Land of Israel and Jewish heritage – 37

Views: 13Land of Israel and Jewish heritage A series from the book written by Naveed Anjum Jewish Life in the Land of Canaan, cont’d The Promised Land, cont’d The Kingdoms of Judah and Israel, cont’d Major Roman versus Judean battles … Continue reading

Land of Israel and Jewish heritage – 36

Views: 12Land of Israel and Jewish heritage A series from the book written by Naveed Anjum Jewish Life in the Land of Canaan, cont’d The Promised Land, cont’d The Kingdoms of Judah and Israel, cont’d Under the Hasmonean Dynasty, Israel … Continue reading