My Current Key Projects

Views: 27

Currently, I am working on the following:

Key Areas

  • To combat anti-Semitism through every possible means
  • To expose the biased role of the U.N. and Mainstream Media regarding Israel’s role in the conflicts created by Arabs
  • To remove misconceptions about the Jewish state that exist in the Muslim World and elsewhere by scrutinizing myths and hoaxes and producing rebuttals to each of them
  • To prove the legitimate existence of the Jewish state to the grassroots from Islamic and various other historical and archaeological resources, since Israel’s legitimacy has purposely been disputed by many anti-Semites throughout the World
  • To spread awareness of the rights and enhanced lives of Arabs, especially Arab women, in Israel, of which the Muslim masses are entirely unaware
  • To educate Muslims about extremism, its drawbacks, and consequences
  • To raise a voice against minority oppression in the Islamic World
  • To raise a voice for women against their oppression in the Muslim World
  • To feed starving, desperately poor children
  • To clothe poor children who live in rags

Chronological list of my active work toward this cause

My active work toward this cause follows in a chronological list of Facebook Groups and Pages and a Twitter account that I founded and/or have administered during the last 3 years:

Active Work Media Format Function
1. Legitimacy of the Zionist State
24 Hours postings and updates
Facebook Page Founder
2. Legitimacy of the Jewish State Facebook Group Founder
3. Israel The Legitimate State Facebook Group Founder
4. Israel The Legitimate State This Website Blog Founder & Author
5. Christian Support for Israel Facebook Group Founder
6. Legitimate Israel
24 Hour postings and updates
Twitter Account Personal
7. Muslim Zionist and PROUD Facebook Page Admin


Photo of Naveed Anjum, 2015Naveed Anjum, a pro-Israel, Zionist Muslim, is the founder and owner of this blog. He also is the founder of several Facebook groups and pages. To learn more about Naveed, continue to his About page…


My Current Key Projects — 1 Comment

  1. All Godblessings to you and your love ones Naveed, Thank you so much for your post ho i love to reed. Your are a wathsman of ADONAI on the wals of Jerusalem, and stand in the gap for protecting the people of Israel. May God bless with Holy Spirit, and all tressors in the Kingdom of ADONAI!

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