Land of Israel and Jewish heritage – 33

Views: 14Land of Israel and Jewish heritage A series from the book written by Naveed Anjum Jewish Life in the Land of Canaan, cont’d The Promised Land, cont’d The Prophets Prophets were religious sages. They were charismatic figures who were … Continue reading

Land of Israel and Jewish heritage – 32

Views: 12Land of Israel and Jewish heritage A series from the book written by Naveed Anjum Jewish Life in the Land of Canaan, cont’d The Promised Land, cont’d The Monarchy Israel’s first king was King Saul (1020 BCE). He functioned … Continue reading

Land of Israel and Jewish heritage – 30

Views: 14Land of Israel and Jewish heritage A series from the book written by Naveed Anjum Jewish Life in the Land of Canaan, cont’d The Promised Land, cont’d Canaanites at the time of the Exodus, cont’d If anyone argues that … Continue reading