Arabs Who Love Living in Israel

Views: 15

Kothar, a Muslim Arab woman who loves living and working in IsraelMany Arab-Israeli citizens love their lives in the State of Israel. They both work and live in Israel and would not trade it for life in any Muslim country. In the following video, an inspired, young Muslim woman shares her love for her chosen country – Israel!

It’s a story you won’t want to miss – tell all your friends to watch it too! Now, please enjoy listening to Kothar as she shares her love of her life and work in Israel.

When people boycott Israel, Kothar proudly declares, they “are boycotting me!”

In an upcoming film series produced by, many inspirational stories like Kothar’s will be featured to highlight their experiences of living in Israel as Arabs.

Photo of Naveed Anjum, 2015Naveed Anjum, a pro-Israel, Zionist Muslim, is the founder and owner of this blog. He also is the founder of several Facebook groups and pages. To learn more about Naveed, continue to his About page…



Arabs Who Love Living in Israel — 1 Comment

  1. appreciate this decent citizen of israel, may she continue to live in peace with all her neighbours and fellow citizns

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