A Response to “The Self Defeating Argument of Zionists”

Views: 20 The Longest Prejudice By Emeka Paul The article was titled, “The Self Defeating Argument of Zionists” It was published on the blog page of Times of Israel on 11/08/2017 and written by Fred Maroun. It was supposedly, a … Continue reading

Are Jewish Settlements Obstacles In Peace?

Views: 6By Naveed Anjum The Obstacle in the Peace Process Who says that settlements are THE obstacle in the Israeli-Palestinian Peace process? If they were the obstacle, there would have been Peace long ago. So what, then, is the real … Continue reading

The Muslims Who Saved a Synagogue

Views: 20By Naveed Anjum Bradford’s synagogue was faced with closure in 2012, but today its bright future models cross-cultural cooperation[1] It happened in Bradford, UK.  The last remaining synagogue, the beautiful, 132-year-old Bradford Reform Synagogue, was in serious need of … Continue reading