Land of Israel and Jewish heritage – 17

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Land of Israel and Jewish heritage

A series from the book written by Naveed Anjum

Isaac was the blessed one, cont’d

The Story of Sacrifice: Isaac or Ishmael?, cont’d

I will refrain from including my own observations, because I do not wish to add more to controversy. However, I will submit the observations of renowned Islamic scholar and writer, Mr. Haroon Yahya, which he brought forth in his Book on Prophet Abraham. He wrote:

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The angels told Prophet Abraham (pbuh) that God had accepted his prayer for a righteous child:

My Lord, bestow on me a righteous child!’ (Qur’an, 37:100)

Prophet Abraham (pbuh) did not ask God for a child from his own line especially, but rather for a righteous son. His prayer was for a devout Muslim who would keep the religion alive after his death. The fact that he was not expecting a son can be seen from his reply: ‘Do you bring me this good news despite the fact of old age having reached me? What kind of good news are you bringing me?’ (Qur’an, 15:54). However, God willed to create a righteous line of descent for Prophet Abraham (pbuh), and so made his elderly and barren wife fertile. As we stated earlier, He sent angels to inform Prophet Abraham (pbuh) and his wife of this miracle:

And We gave him the good news of a forbearing boy.’ (Qur’an, 37:101)

Haroon Yahya further informs us:

Prophet Abraham (pbuh) and his wife were astonished, for both of them were quite old. In addition, his wife was barren. Prophet Abraham (pbuh) replied with the following words:

He asked: “Do you bring me this good news despite the fact of old age having reached me? What kind of good news are you bringing me?” They said: “We bring you good news of the truth, so do not be among those who despair.”’ (Qur’an, 15:54-55)

His wife was standing there, and she laughed out loud. So We gave her the good news of Isaac, and beyond Isaac, Jacob. She exclaimed: “Woe is me! How can I give birth when I am an old woman and my husband is an aged man? This is indeed an astonishing thing!”’ (Qur’an, 11:71-72)

Here, the Qur’an specifically mentions the name of Prophet Abraham’s son, Isaac, whose glad tidings had been sent through angels.

(To be continued…)

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